
Monday, February 21, 2011

Sing, Travel, Relax

I went to the casting of that choir last week and I made it. I went there, totally nervous and saw that there were lots of other applicants. Then I went in there and had to sing in front of three people who wanted to decide if they take people or not. So I sang, we talked a little and I went home, they wanted to send me an e-mail the next morning. I went home, couldn't sleep and the next day at work all I thought about was that choir. Fortunately I went home and saw that I made it. It's so great. I love all the songs we're singing there, the people are really nice and I realize how much I missed singing during the last years... I'm just happy.

Have I mentioned, that I'm going to be in Cork for St. Patrick's Day? I am so excited. I'm going on the 14th of March, only for a few days unfortunately but I am so happy about it. I'm really kind of homesick (I still think it's weird to call it that but that is the exact feeling, I miss the country, my family, my friends...). I'm going with Jana and Kiki, Lisa and Sophie will already be in Cork and I also hope to see Laura and Anna. And of course my lovely Irish family. I'm a bit afraid that the babies won't recognize me anymore, it's been so long. I have seen pictures from Christmas an Ben looks so grown up, it's unbelievable. The poor baby has been very sick a few weeks ago but is better now, thank God. They are so great, by the way, we had already booked a hostel for the time but they offered me to stay in the house even though they won't be at home most of the time. I can't believe how nice they are, I mean, I don't live there anymore and all and they would still let me stay there. So cool.

Today is just another lazy day, I don't really know what to do. I was working nights at the weekend, just got out of work this morning and out of bed a while ago. I think I'll just stay on the couch for the rest of the day enjoying not to work ;-)

Jenny, xoxo

Monday, February 14, 2011

All new...

Everything has changed. And I'm very happy about that. I moved out of the shared flat two weeks ago. After searching for a flat for ages and looking at millions of them in the end it went really quickly. I looked at a flat in the middle of January and i liked it although it's not where I hoped to find something but a little further away from work. Anyway, I decided to take it if I get it because it is just the right size, it's a nice neighborhood and it's all for a reasonable price. So I called the owner and as I was the first to call I got it. So I got two weeks to organize everything, moving out of the first flat, moving into the new one, keeping all my money together as I knew it would be pretty expensive during the first time. So here I am, totally broke but happy.
Let me describe the flat a little bit: I have a small kitchen, there's everything in it and it's the right size for one person, I have a big living room, a bedroom, a little hall and a bathroom with a bathtub. And a small balcony. There's parking just in front of the house which is included in the rent so I never have to look for a parking space anymore. Perfect! And there's a lift so I don't have to carry the shopping up the stairs anymore. 
My parents came the day I moved and we brought all my stuff here in just one go which was pretty good, we were very quick. I painted my bedroom purple and some of the kitchen blue. The living room is supposed to be green and white but at the moment all I have is a green couch. I have the white furniture but  I also planned to paint some green in here I just was too lazy during the last days so that's one thing I still have to do. It's still a bit empty because I need some more furniture but that will have to wait until my financial crisis is over ;-) I also like it this way anyway, with so much space...
Well, living alone is great. Not only coming home whenever I want to and don't have to worry to wake someone up, I also know that nobody will wake ME up. I'm coming home into a nice and tidy and clean flat and if there is something dirty or unwashed dishes I don't care, because it's just my own stuff...
My neighbors seem to be really nice, lots of students but there are also some families and some older people living here. It's pretty quiet, I don't know if they are really quiet or if the walls are just really thick. Anyways, I like it.
Work is pretty hard at the moment. I had my 7th day today and there is one more to go before I have two days off. There is so much to do, I sometimes don't know how to make it all but it works somehow and I think I'm doing a pretty good job (at least I don't hear anything different ^^). I just hope it's getting a bit better soon as I really have an aching back at the moment and am tired all the time. But I'm positive...
That's that. Tonight I'm going to a choir here in Cologne, they are pretty good and they are looking for new members. I hope I'll make it, I really miss singing a lot. And I definately need a hobby. So that's step one.

That's it for now, I'm going to relax for a while before I'm going to the choir,

Jenny xoxo