
Monday, August 15, 2011

Lots of ideas

I've had a few days off now and started a new project. It's a crocheted bag made out of "granny squares". So far it looks like that:

That's the yarn I'm using:

It's very pretty. I bought it in a tiny shop close to where I live. I usually love to buy stuff on the internet but that shop is very nice. The old lady working there is so nice and it's all very cute, the whole shop is full of her handmade clothes, scarfs, blankets and all. When there's no customer she's sitting by the window, knitting socks. And she's giving her advice to everyone, like this lady who was there with me, she was interested in how to knit a children's jumper so she drew it on a piece of paper showing her how to do it and telling her she could call if she needs help. I really liked all that although it's corny maybe.
Also I have planned some other things: A bag made out of an old pillowcase (it's still very good, it's just ripped on the side), a boardgame all handmade, more decorations for the flat... And I'm going to take an online sewing course (I hope to start it during my holidays). It's the best because I won't depend on dates and  can just work whenever I have time and want to do it. It's a very nice course, with lots of small and easy projects so I hope to learn a lot. I'll show ye the pictures, of course whenever I have finished something. Now all I need is a sewing machine :-D

I still haven't fixed my holiday plans, I just can't decide what to do. In Ireland there are all the people I like and I could visit everyone and see the kids and all. But I would also like a relaxing holiday at the beach. But I might have to go on my own so I really don't know...

That's all for now, I think, if anyone has a sewing machine or knows somebody who has and doesn't need one, leave a comment. Also, if you have any holiday advice or anything else ;-)

Jenny, xo

Friday, August 12, 2011

Stop to live in the future...

I've been thinking a lot lately about where I am going. There are so many things I want to do and so many places I want to go that I'm not even sure if I can fit everything into my life. I have to confess this makes me a little unhappy, I keep thinking that I'm going to miss something if I start doing something else. Anna, my Irish hostmum sent me a nice e-mail a few days ago putting me straight and now I have decided to slow down a little, just enjoying what I'm doing right now. She's so right. Right now, I really love my job and I want to keep doing it. Maybe next year or the year after or in ten years I won't like it anymore but that doesn't matter right now. So I really hope to live a little more like that from now on. The only thing is that I want to start doing something that challenges me like a community college course or something like that. Something creative, that's for sure because there are so many ideas in my head at the moment, just need to learn some new techniques to bring them out...

Jenny, xoxo

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Another try

I tried to make a post with my new phone yesterday. Didn't work, so yet another try, real post is coming up soon...