
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Saturday work

I just wanted to show you what I made yesterday:

My hall used to be very messy (I'm glad I don't have any "before-pictures") and I decided to do something about it.

So I went to buy a big shelf, some paint, some boxes and stuff and started working. I built up the shelf and painted it in a bright green. Then I took some hooks and put them on the side of it so I had something to hang my jackets, scarfs and stuff. I sorted the things that had been lying around and put them into different boxes (like plastic bags, plastic bottles...). One box is something like a food storage as my kitchen is tiny and always stuffed with cans and boxes. Then I took the shoes I wear most of the time and put them on the shelf and the other ones are in boxes now, too. Just looks so much cleaner and tidier now, I love it!

I love the combination of those colours

and the combination of wood, fabrics and rattan.

And I like that there is still more space to store stuff. What do you think, do you like it? There are still so many ideas growing here and I'm finally starting to realize them...

Something I wanted to show you is this pen pal project. I think it's a nice idea and I'm taking part as I always loved writing and receiving letters. Think about it, maybe you'd like to sign in as well!

That's it so far,

xoxo, Jenny

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Heute gehts los mit dem Lesemarathon von Lovelybooks. Um 9 Uhr starteten die meisten, ich hab erstmal ein bisschen länger geschlafen, ein bisschen aufgeräumt und gefrühstückt. Aber jetzt bin auch ich dabei...

10.35 Uhr: Kaffee ist da und ich fange an mit "Suna" von Pia Ziefle, das ich vor Kurzem bei Lovelybooks gewonnen habe. Ich bin momentan auf Seite 89.

11.02 Uhr: muss wieder unterbrechen, um Wäsche aus der Maschine zu holen. Gleich gehts weiter. Momentan bin ich auf Seite 105.

12.27 Uhr: Es wird Zeit für meinen zweiten Kaffee. Ich bin mit "Suna" zur Hälfte durch und finde es echt toll bisher. Vielleicht liest es ja noch jemand, oder ich kann euer Interesse wecken. Bin auf jeden Fall begeistert bisher. (Ihr könnt auch mal hier schauen, da gibts die Leserunde)

13.02 Uhr: Wieder eine kleine Unterbrechung, aber gleich gehts weiter (schade, dass man nicht wirklich 24 Stunden am Stück lesen kann, ohne etwas anderes zu tun...).

13.59 Uhr: noch 79 Seiten sind zu lesen von "Suna". Tolles Buch, lest es unbedingt!

15.16 Uhr: Noch 30 Seiten. Wenn ich so aus dem Fenster kucke, bin ich ganz froh, dass ich hier drin sitze mit meinen Büchern und nicht raus muss. Außerdem spielt der FC gleich, da wär ich eh wieder nirgends hin gekommen...

16.03 Uhr: So, fertig mit "Suna". Eine Rezesion gibts gleich hier. Jetzt kann ich mich gerade nicht entscheiden, mit welchem Buch ich weitermache. Vielleicht mache ich auch nochmal eine kurze Pause und kuck nochmal durch mein Bücherregal...

17.09 Uhr: Ich hab mich entschieden für "Das Experiment" von Mario Giordano. Das steht schon jahrelang in meinem Bücherregal aber ich habs nie gelesen, jetzt wollte ich aber mal was Spannendes also gehts los...

18.12 Uhr: So, ich höre auf vorerst. Von "Experiment" habe ich jetzt die ersten 100 Seiten gelesen und finds ganz gut. Bisher ist noch nichts dramatisches passiert aber ich weiß ja sowieso in etwa, auf was es hinausläuft, weil ich damals den Film gesehen habe. Trotzdem höre ich jetzt auf, ich bin etwas müde und ich hab Hunger. Ich werd jetzt was essen und etwas fernsehen, vielleicht habe ich später noch etwas Lust, weiter zu machen. Mal schauen. Ansonsten hat es mir soweit Spaß gemacht, klar meine Zeit ist nicht marathonwürdig aber immerhin habe ich mehr gelesen als an einem normalen Samstag, weil ich mir Zeit dafür genommen habe und das ist doch schonmal was...


  • gelesene Seiten: 310
  • gelesene/angefangene Bücher: 2
  • getrunkene Tassen Kaffee: 3
  • Zeit: 7 Stunden, 30 Minuten (mit mehreren Unterbrechungen)

Zum Lesemarathon gehts übrigens hier:

Musik, die ich zum lesen höre:
  • Amy Winehouse - Back To Black
  • Deichkind - Leider Geil
  • Foster The People -Call It What You Want
  • Alex Clare - Too Close
  • Lloyd - Dedication To My Ex
  • Train - Drive By
  • Rizzle Kicks - Down With The Trumpets
  • Sportfreunde Stiller - Ein Kompliment
  • Caligola - Forgive Forget
  • Ben Howard - Keep Your Head Up
  • Olly Murs - Heart Skips A Beat
  • Simple Plan - Summer Paradise
  • Muse - Uprising
  • Fun - We Are Young
Gelernt: Im Radio wiederholen sich die Lieder so alle 4 Stunden...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Looking for inspiration

I am thinking about working creatively a bit more and I already have some ideas in my mind, I'd love to sew some clothes or bags or things like that, not entirely sure yet. But before that I want to get some ideas from others so here are a few questions for you (maybe you could share this post with your friends as well, I'd like to get as much feedback as possible!):
  • What is your favourite accesoire?
  • What makes it so special for you?
  • What is your favourite piece of clothing and what makes it special?
  • Is there anything you miss when you think about clothes and accesoires?
  • Is there anything you'd like to have but can't because it's not available where you live, too expensive or maybe because it doesn't exist yet?
Would be great if you could help me, I'll share my ideas with you in a few weeks...

Until that, have a look at fancy stuff here

Jenny xoxo

Friday, April 6, 2012

Hello world, I'm still here...

Yes, I am, more than every I'd say. I have been very busy but busy sometimes is really good. I started my new job in March and I love it. It's pretty hard to get in though, that's why after work I often had to take a break and after that I have been reading a lot about my work. I really wanted people to see that I can do it, that I really want to do it and that I'm interested. I think it worked. I like the people there and they also seem to like me, giving me the feeling that I'm wanted and that all my questions don't annoy them at all. They have been helpful and supportive and I'm really thankful for that. In other words: I now know that I have made the right decision to quit my old job and start the new one. Of course work is work and sometimes I will just hate having to work at all but at the moment it's just really good.

doesn't this one just make you smile all the time?

I thought a lot about being happy during the last time and I think I can say that I am. I mean, I know that things aren't perfect but will they ever be? There will always be things like financial problems, family issues, worries, problems and stuff so I decided to stop waiting for everything to be perfect and concentrate on what the good things are that I have right now. I like my job, I have the best family in the world, the best friends anyone could have and the sun is shining (at the moment it's setting, actually, but it has been shining for the whole afternoon). I have a long weekend, I've had the time to finish a book and start another one today. In the past weeks I have seen people that I like a lot but don't see very often lately, I've had good talks. I went down to my parents' and found that almost everyone is doing quite well. I've seen my cousins little boy and had the chance to play with him. He gave me hugs and told me he liked having me over, words that can only be true if a 3 year-old tells them. I'm full of ideas and motivation. Maybe it's spring that gives me this feeling maybe it's just me, finally growing up and realizing that I should stop searching and reaching for things all the time. I don't know. But I love it...

Well, that was a positive one, wasn't it?

Jenny, xoxo