
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My top 10

  • I've watched the film 50/50 at the cinema and loved it. Watch it, too!

  • I like to read how Scarlet is doing. Great thing her parents are creating for her.
  • I hope to be able to sew like Elsie soon...
  • Handmade bracelets. <3
  • If you liked this lovely Disneyland flashmob proposal, you'll probably love that one as well. Be prepared to laugh and cry at the same time!
  • I've just discovered "Shit my Dad says". I really want to meet Justin's Dad, it's hillarious! And there's another book coming soon called "I suck at girls" (we'll meet the Dad again there).
  • Have you ever had the feeling that time is running and you're just getting older and older? Don't worry, you're not too old, here are 10 reasons we're not adults yet
  • Fun. are probably one of the best bands at the moment. And as I really like the song (embarrassing, I know!), I like their cover of "Call me maybe".
  • I've already posted this on facebook, but have a look anyway. Do you know some of these terrible problems?
  • My new summer shoes
so nice, so cheap, so comfortable

What have you been up to lately? Tell me about your top 10!

Jenny, xoxo

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Weekend work

I've decided to change the name of this section as I'm not always able to post on a Saturday ;-)
This weekend has been great so far. We've had the nicest weather, sunny and warm and that meant I had to go out and enjoy that. My bike has been fixed so I'm back to going to work by bike which is just lovely. Fresh air, sun and I'm also much faster than if I go by car (with waiting at the traffic lights, looking for parking...) or by tram...
On Friday when I came home from work I fixed some stuff around the flat and got ready to go out with some people from work which was great.
Yesterday the weather was even better and I went to have a barbecue with some friends. We've had such a good time. Afterwards we wanted to watch the Eurovision Song Contest which I like a lot but there have been some technical problems so I didn't get to watch it really. Anyway, I had a great day.
I have been working on some stuff. I'm making two bags at the moment, one knitted and one crocheted. Here they are:

I couldn't finish it yet because I haven't bought the fabric that goes on the inside yet but this is how it's going to look like (hopefully!):

I've had this funny pompom yarn lying around for a while and didn't know what to do with it. It's really nice, soft and all but it's not easy to knit with it so I started crocheting and decided to make another bag out of it.

I've just started so you can't really see anything but it's probably going to be a very simple shoulder bag.

Also, I found this old friend around here:

Well, actually, it has been sitting around here all the time but I haven't played in ages so it was a bit dusty and untuned and all but as I found playing the piano making me feel so much better during the last year I've decided to finally learn how to play the guitar properly. I've bought the guitar a couple of years ago and learned how to play a few very simple songs but I never actually learned how to play it properly and never practiced. So now, I really want to do it and I hope it'll make me just as happy as playing the piano.

Today is a lazy day, I have been reading a bit but haven't done anything special yet. A friend of mine is coming back from her holidays at home today and we're probably going to meet up tonight for a couple of drinks as tomorrow is another public holiday around here ;-)

That's it so far, I'll go back outside to enjoy the sun! What have you been up to this weekend?

Jenny, xoxo

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My top 10

Love these things today:

  • That Magazine clutch DIY. Such a great idea!
  • Making my life easier with these easy tips
  • These quotes. Make me think, make me smile.
  • This tiny workspace, I really hope mine will look as nice as this one!
  • These popup cards remind me of my childhood, I just love old games like pacman...
  • As soon as my sewing machine arrives, I will do this e-course
  • I've tried to make brownies and New York cheesecake lately. They have been delicious!
  • I went to see The Coronas on Sunday night (very spontaneously!) and loved them. You should really listen to their new album!
  • Old but good: Ask a grown man: Paul Rudd
  • A nice giveaway over at Mädchen mit Herz
xoxo, Jenny

PS: There's more: Have a look at Nora's blog! It's lovely, full of creative spirit and cuteness. And she featured my own blog here ;-)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sunday work/ long weekend

Hi everyone!
It's Sunday again and I'll have to go back to work tomorrow after a lovely long weekend. I drove home on Wednesday and after a huge traffic jam I arrived just in time for the first day of our Scouts festival. We were really lucky with the weather, it was a bit chilly but dry most of the time and everyone was there. I loved it! Thursday was the second day and it was even better, sunshine all day, warm weather and all the people I haven't seen in a long time. I really enjoyed just talking to some of them, being there and that some things never change...
The rest of the time I tried to spend with my family but honestly there wasn't much time left. It was still good.
Yesterday I drove back to Cologne because I hate it to come back on a Sunday having to sort my things quickly and go back to work on Monday. Like this I have a day off just to get stuff organized here and relax a little. And do do some work:
I changed the furniture in my living room because I needed to make some space near the window for my planned work space so I swapped the couch and the dining table.

don't look at the mess, I took the picture while I was still working...

It makes the room look so much bigger but also it looked a bit pale so I decorated the white wall with something I found on the internet a while ago:


I still don't have my desk and all for the work space but I'll show you as soon as I do!
How does your work space look like? O love to see where other people are being creative/productive! Would you show me pictures? Did you plan your space or did it just "grow"?

More plans for today:
  • Making something nice for dinner (Pasta with garlic, spinach and tomatoe sauce)
  • Relaxing
  • Reading (I'm participating in a book club at Lovelybooks, we're reading Oliver Twist
  • Watching a movie on telly tonight
What are your plans for today?

xoxo, Jenny

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday work

I might make this a weekly feature (I hope I'll stick to it!). As on Saturdays I usually have lots of time and I'm usually not as lazy as on Sundays, I started crafting, sketching, painting...

Today I had an idea: Sketching on furniture:

My living room table was a pretty boring white one from IKEA. It looks pretty nice if it's decorated with some candles, plants and stuff but I still wanted something special so I had the idea to personalize it with a simple drawing.

I still don't know yet if I'll leave it like that or if I'll add some more stuff. Also I'm not sure how to fix the drawing. It's waterproof as it is but I'm pretty sure it'll go away after a while. Maybe that will be the time to start a new drawing but also maybe there's some paint I can cover it with. I'll see.

There are a few more pieces of furniture around here that could use some color or drawings, so maybe I'll start something else soon.
Moreover I have some paint left from the shelf I made last week and some boxes and stuff and I started building a small bookshelf. I'll share that with you soon.
Now it's your turn: Do you like my idea? Do you have any personalized pieces of furniture? Will you do something like that soon?

xoxo, Jenny