
Saturday, September 22, 2012

First day of autumn

Today is the first day of autumn. As you probably know, I really like spring and autumn a lot, because I don't like the heat of summer (except summer nights, maybe) and the darkness of winter too much. So the past days /weeks I was getting ready for one of my favourite times of the year.
In autumn, I have an excuse for staying in doing these unsocial things like reading, knitting, watching telly (all my favourite tv-series are starting again in autumn)... I also have an excuse for going to bed early, because it's cold and dark outside anyway and I can drink tea, cup after cup...
Here are some things I've been doing lately:

Heute ist Herbstanfang. Wie ihr vielleicht wisst mag ich den Frühling und den Herbst total, weil ich die Hitze im Sommer nicht mag (außer vielleicht in Sommernächten) und die Dunkelheit im Winter. Also habe ich mich in den letzten Tagen/Wochen auf eine meiner liebsten Zeiten im Jahr vorbereitet.
Im Herbst habe ich eine Ausrede, um zu Hause zu bleiben, unsoziale Dinge zu tun wie Lesen, Stricken, Fernsehen (all meine liebsten Fernsehserien fangen im Herbst wieder an)... Ich habe außerdem einen Grund, früh ins Bett zu gehen, weil es sowieso kalt und dunkel ist und ich kann eine Tasse Tee nach der anderen trinken.
Hier sind ein paar Dinge, die ich so gemacht habe:

1. Got bitten by a vampire ;-)
2. It's cold enough finally for having a bath and snuggling up in a bathrobe afterwards
3. Books and tea <3
4. I won another book at, going to read it this weekend
5. I never get enough of taking pictures of the sunset
6. I went shopping!!! This is my new coat. I love the color and all. I think, wearing colors in autumn is much nicer than all those jackets in black or brown.
7. Also new: yellow jumper and grey loop scarf
8. And boots :-D
9. I downloaded Hipstamatic which is a photograohy app. It simulates an old analog camera and there are a few nice things you can do with it. I'm trying lots of stuff with it at the moment.
10. This morning: First day of autumn (view from my balcony-again)
11. There's a lot of work that I have started and never finished. Going to do that now!
12. Autumn is a time for soups, stews and curries, I'd say. This is a bowl of homemade vegetable curry, delicious ;-)

How do you say hi to autumn? Any great ideas?

Jenny, xoxo

1. Ich wurde von einem Vampir gebissen ;-)
2. Es ist endlich kalt genug, um mich in die Badewanne zu legen und hinterher in den Bademantel zu kuscheln
3. Bücher und Tee <3
4. Ich habe mal wieder ein Buch bei gewonnen und werde es dieses Wochenende lesen
5. Ich werde niemals müde, den Sonnenuntergang zu fotografieren
6. Ich war einkaufen! Das ist mein neuer Mantel. Ich liebe die Farbe und alles. Ich finde, man sollte im Herbst schöne Farben tragen statt schwarz und braun.
7. Auch neu: gelber Pulli und grauer Loop-Schal
8. Und Stiefel :-D
9. Ich habe mir Hipstamatic runtergeladen, eine Foto-App. Es simuliert eine alte Analogkamera und hat ein paar tolle Effekte. Momentan probiere ich so einiges damit aus.
10. Heute morgen: Herbstanfang (Aussicht von meinem Balkon-mal wieder)
11. Es gibt viel zu tun. Ich habe ganz viele angefangene Strick-Projekte, die ich nie beendet habe. Das werde ich jetzt aber machen!
12. Der Herbst ist sicher eine Zeit für Suppen, Eintöpfe und Currys. Hier habe ich selbstgemachtes Gemüsecurry, sehr lecker ;-)

Wie begrüßt ihr den Herbst? Habt ihr schon tolle Ideen?

Jenny, xoxo

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Still here, be back soon

Yes, I'm still alive, at the moment just trying something but I'll be back soon, promise!

Have a look at what I've been doing lately:

1. Sitting on my balcony, enjoying the last days of summer
2. Having a glass of wine ;-)
3. Eating green spaghetti from green dishes. Green Love <3
4. Preparing for the rainy season
5. Enjoying the sun
6. Being bored
7. & 8. Cooking and more cooking, this time: Vegetable & cheese quiche

And here: the one everybody's been waiting for :-)

Explanation: I have been making fun of people with smartphones, especially iPhones forever. Now, my old phone broke and I did it: I bought an iPhone 4S (because I could never afford an iPhone 5) and I keep taking photos of everything, using Instagram and all that stuff. So I had to get rid of the last bit of my self-respect and take a picture of myself in the mirror with the iPhone in the lift :-) So that's done!

I need some advice by the way. I'm using blogger and there is an iPhone app for that but I'm not really able to write blog posts on the phone and post pictures and stuff. Is that possible somehow? Because I really want to start blogging more regularly again and that would be such an easy way to do it... It would be great if anyone could help. Or is there another spot where that's possible? I might have to move with my blog anyway (this is another issue, I don't really know how to do it, that's for the pros here ;-) )

Anyways, tell me, what have you been up to? Let me know, have you plans for autumn? Any autumn tipps, decorations, clothes? Share them here, I'd love to hear! Leave comments because I'd really like to know who you are!

Jenny, xoxo