
Saturday, April 27, 2013


Hi everyone! This is the reading marathon I was talking about. It's hosted by a German book community that's why I'm writing in German today. But be sure to check out the music I've been listening to at the end of this post. And feel free to ask any questions!

Hier geht's zum Lesemarathon. Viel Spaß!

09.26 Uhr
Ich fange an mit "Die Monster anderer Eltern" von Veronika Immler und Antje Steinhäuser. Das Buch gab es vor Kurzem als kostenlosen Kindle-Download bei Amazon. Ich bin auf Seite 51. Auf dem Cover ist ein kleiner, trotziger Junge zu sehen. Ich hatte das Buch schon angefangen und finde es lustig, weil ich mich selbst häufig über nervige Kinder und deren Eltern ärgere.

11.11 Uhr
Ich lese immer noch "Die Monster anderer Eltern". Es handelt sich dabei um Alltagserzählungen, was ich ganz gerne mag, weil sich solche kurzen Erzählungen, Kolumnen usw. gut für zwischendurch eignen, zum Beispiel um sie in der Bahn zu lesen.

12.07 Uhr
Es läuft ehrlich gesagt etwas schleppend im Moment, was daran liegt, dass ich immer mal wieder unterbreche, weil ich noch ein paar Dinge zu erledigen habe. Deswegen mach ich jetzt erstmal eine größere Pause, ich bin so in ca. zwei Stunden zurück, natürlich mit den nächsten Aufgaben von Lovelybooks und hoffentlich etwas mehr Durchhaltevermögen!

15.13 Uhr
Weiter gehts. Immer noch das gleiche Buch.
Dritter Satz auf der aktuellen Seite: "Muss ich diese Sprache richtig ernst nehmen, gar als neue migrationsspezifische Variante des Deutschen betrachten?
Außer mir liest das Buch übrigens gerade niemand bei Lovelybooks. Hat aber nichts zu bedeuten, weil ich auch nicht immer meine Bücher aktualisiere...

17.06 Uhr
Neue Aufgabe: Wo befindest du dich? An welchem Ort spielt das Buch, das du gerade liest? Da es sich um Alltagserzählungen handelt wechseln die Orte. Gerade waren wir auf einem Spielplatz in München-Schwabing.

17.55 Uhr
Buch Nummer eins ist beendet, jetzt gibts nochmal ne Pause.

19.53 Uhr
Ich gebe auf. Irgendwie läuft es nicht heute. Naja, macht auch nichts, die Statisik fällt eben etwas schmaler aus dieses Mal...


  • gelesene Seiten: 148
  • gelesene/angefangene Bücher: 1
  • getrunkene Tassen Kaffee: 2
  • getrunkene Tassen Tee: 1
  • Zeit: 280 Minuten
Musik, die ich zum lesen höre:
  • Pink, Nate Ruess - Just give me a reason
  • Swedish House Mafia - Don't you worry child
  • Maroon 5 - Daylight
  • Macklemore, Ryan Lewis - Can't hold us
  • Sportfreunde Stiller - Siehst du das genauso
  • Mumford&Sons - Little Lion Man
  • Culcha Candela - Berlin City Girl
  • Labrinth - Express yourself
  • Passenger - Let her go
  • Justin Timberlake - Mirrors
  • Lauryn Hill - Everything is everything
  • Gentleman - You remember
  • Mikky Ekko, Rihanna - Stay
  • Cypress Hill - What's your number
  • Feed Me, Crystal Fighters - Love is all I got
  • Phoenix - Entertainment
  • Gentleman - It no pretty
  • Samy Deluxe - Hab gehört
  • Die Ärzte - zeiDverschwÄndung
  • Flo Rida, Olly Murs - Troublemaker
  • Sportfreunde Stiller - Applaus, Applaus
Beim nächsten Mal habe ich hoffentlich wieder mehr Durchhaltevermögen,

Jenny, xoxo

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Lovelybooks-Lesemarathon (reading marathon) 27.4.2013

There it is: The reading marathon I've been waiting for. As I'm sick at home and can't really do a lot I will definately join and I hope so will you. As last year, I will write about what I'm reading, what else I'm doing and how it works. But (again as last year) I'm going to blog about it in German. I can tell you the original book titles though and if you're interested in how they were I'd love to tell you. Just for the community where the marathon happens I think it's the easiest thing to write in German.
Let me know if you're going to join and what you're planning to read!
Not only because of the marathon: What have you been reading lately and how was it? Extra question: Are you reading paperbacks, hard covers or ebooks?

xoxo, Jenny

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Look- who's still there (News Part II)

Hello there, lovelies,

how have you been? Here's the second part of the "what's been going on here"-thing I've been doing.

Well, as I told you there has been a lot of work with the moving and all, that's when I actually didn't feel like blogging. It would have been the same moaning all the time, I think so I just kept my mouth shut.

There was also work. I had kind of a hard time because I had to figure out what I wanted to do. I now have decided- and already applied- to take classes for becoming a specialized nurse for anesthesia and intensive care. It's not sure that they'll take me but I really hope so. It means that for two years I will be taking classes and I will work at different intensive care units and operation theatres. I'm pretty excited, it's supposed to be very hard but I want to do it! So keep your fingers crossed!

Then, after I moved I actually didn't have internet access for a while so that kept me from blogging. But now I am back, I'd say ;-)

The other thing I was thinking about was finally opening my own little shop to sell what I knit and sew and crochet. I have many ideas but I haven't made the final step. My biggest wish would be to open an actual shop on my own but that is really too far away so first it will be an online shop, I think. Here are two bags I recently made, kind of my Spring Collection:

What do you think? Do you like them? I love the colors!

Well and the last thing that kept me from blogging was that I actually took a blogging e-course at Magnoliaelectric and wanted to be sure how I like to go on blogging before I'd do it. I found a few ideas and I thought about it a lot and I think I have it kind of figured out by now.

Between all these things there just have been a few days where I didn't feel really well because everything just seemed to be too much so I hope you'll understand that I really do love blogging but sometimes I just have to put myself before all of those other things to just breath deeply and take care of myself and what makes me happy. That I did and now I feel great!

Do you sometimes think you're doing too much or you have too much going on? How do you handle that?

xoxo, Jenny

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Look- who's still there... (News Part I)

It's me! I guess you barely remember, I'm the person who owns this little piece of the Internet here. And I'm back to tell you what happened around here, what's new and what's about to happen.
I finally moved! At the beginning of February I found the perfect flat for me. 50 square metres, living room, bedroom, a nice, big kitchen, balcony and a tiny bathroom with a bathtub. All of that in exactly the area where I want to live plus even cheaper than my old flat! After all the stress with the flat hunt I thought I could finally relax a little and look forward to moving there but that was actually when the stress began. I had to find someone new for my old flat so I could get out of the contract earlier, I had to paint walls, fix stuff, sort things out, get packed and organize the whole moving. I didn't think it was that much work but it definately was. But it was also worth it! I moved in here on Easter weekend and I had help from some of my great friends, co-workers and my parents who drove all the way up here to support me (incredible!). The first days were a lot of work again with painting the walls, getting unpacked, making this space my new home but that was actually a lot of fun. And now I'm pretty much done and enjoying it a lot. It only takes me a few minutes to get to work in the morning and when I'm going out late there's always a subway home or I can even go by bike. I just love it. But let me show you some pictures:

Living room. I want to have a big desk there by the window where I can put my sewing machine and all my craft supplies and my computer, printer and stuff from work so that these thing get sorted. But I haven't got the table yet so this is what it looks like (oh, I put my tv there in the left corner in the meantime to be able to watch DVDs although I won't get regular television there).

My nearly new couch. It's the same I used to have in the old flat but I upholstered it. It looks really better now although I've never done something like that before.

The hall. It definately needs some more decoration but I'm not too sure about it yet.

The bedroom. I kept everything pretty simple in there because I'm not too sure what I want. I definately need some nice curtains to keep the light outside in the mornings and I'm still thinking about buying a new bed. I haven't found the right one though so I'll wait with the rest until that is decided, I think the bed should be the main part in here. The keyboards are in here because I had some extra space and because I sometimes want to play when I can't fall asleep.

The kitchen. Oh, how I love the kitchen! For someone who likes to cook and invite people over for coffee or dinner, it has been very hard to have a tiny little kitchen during the last three years. So there it is, my kitchen, where I can sit on my own, reading, having coffee, where I laugh with my friends over some gossip, where I cook dinner and have people actually near me because there's enough space for more than one person. That's also the place where most of the housewarming party took place last weekend ;-)

The balcony. The weather hasn't been too good yet so I haven't done a lot out there but there are big plans about vegetables, strawberries, herbs and flowers. And warm summer nights with friends and long talks. This balcony is about twice the size of my old one which makes it huuuuge for me ;-) 

There aren't any good pictures of the bathroom so I'll show you another time.

So this was part II of the news around here, part II is in the next post, be sure to read it, too and thank you so much for your patience!

What have you guys been up to? What have I missed?

Jenny, xoxo