
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Weekend reads

Hello there,

Danielle inspired me to share my summer reading list with you. For me, every season is reading season but there are different things that I like at different times of the year. In winter there's nothing better than lying on my couch with a hot beverage and a book or to go to bed early (as it's dark anyway) and read for hours. In summer I prefer getting up early and sit outside in the sun reading a book and gaining some energy from all the light. I also love to sit outside in the evenings and read until it finally gets dark and I can't see the pages anymore. Anyway, as you know, I love lists and I keep track of every book I read and want to read so here are the books that are on my list for this season: 

(Original/English titles below)

  1. I know I'm late but I just finished reading part 1 of The Hunger Games and really enjoyed it. So, of course part 2 
  2. and 3 are already on my nightstand.
  3. = The shadow of the wind = La sombra del viento
  4. = Fear the worst
  5. There's no English version I think
  6. Love in the Time of Cholera = El amor en los tiempos del cólera

  1. pretty well known, I guess, but I have never read it (deutscher Titel: Wer die Nachtigall stört)
  2. = I wish someone were waiting for me somewhere = Je voudrais que quelqu'un m'attende quelque part (I so wish I could read that one in the original version...)
  3. sorry, no English version
  4. = In July (There's a movie, too, but I've never seen it)
  5. back to Jane Austen this summer
  6. no English version but there are translations to Italian, Dutch and Spanish if that helps ;-)

Maybe there's something in my list that you would like to read to, go on, do it, now! And if you have other suggestions for me be sure to share them!

Jenny, xoxo

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

28 things

It was my birthday yesterday. I am 28 now. It feels pretty good actually, not very different than 27 though but maybe step by step I'm growing up (which was my biggest fear a couple of years ago but being a grown-up has lots of positive things, too, I'm just finding out).
I drove down to my parents' on Monday and had a really bad day that day so I was really looking forward to spending a nice day with my family. My Mom and I went shopping in the morning and found some really nice dresses and then we ate out which was fantastic. In the afternoon my aunt and cousins came over and brought a lovely cake which we had with coffee and lots of talking and laughing and love. I'd say it was exactly the quiet birthday I needed.

Like every year there is a list of things I want to do during the next 12 months and here it is:

  1. Practise my Salsa dancing and go Salsa dancing more often
  2. Have a look at Lindy Hop dancing
  3. Travel further than I have ever been
  4. Travel at all
  5. Go to Hamburg
  6. Go to flea markets
  7. Try new clothing styles
  8. Buy a pair of black high heels and learn to walk in them
  9. Make my own lamp for the living room
  10. Pay off my kitchen
  11. Keep working hard for my study programm
  12. Learn Dutch
  13. Practice Spanish and French
  14. Go out on my own (do things I'm afraid of)
  15. Start doing all those little jobs right away
  16. Get a new tattoo
this year the list has only 16 things on it so far. But they are things I can all really achieve during 12 months so I'll work very hard. And maybe I'll find a few more things I can add during the next weeks.

What are things that you really want to achieve during the next months?

Jenny, xoxo

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Weekend work

Hello there,

I have always liked drawing, whenever I could reach a pencil and a piece of paper I'd started working on something. People told me I was talented but I actually think that I just had a lot of practice. And I'm not even THAT good. I actually thought about studying arts after school but then I didn't even apply. Somehow it seemed more reasonable to get a "proper" job. My parents were pretty glad, I think, although they would have supported me in any way, like they always do. I have to confess there was another reason. To apply for the good schools I needed to pass a test and send in samples of my work so they'd see my talent and creativity. But that is the problem. I have thousands of ideas in my head, sometimes it's hard to get them out all at once, they keep coming. But when someone says "draw me something", I can't. I just can't. It's not that I don't want to see people, not at all. But I want to do what I like to do. There were phases when I wanted to draw bodies. So I did. One after one, day after day until I got sick of it. That's how I practice and I like it that way. Someone telling me to do something else wouldn't have worked although it would have been nice to learn some other techniques and materials. But then, I can still try...

Anyway, I didn't go to art school and for a couple of years I stopped drawing nearly completely (like unfortunately I quit a lot of stuff in my teenage years). Just lately you can find me sitting around in my flat with paper and pencil again. I'm practicing a lot to be as good as I used to be and I love it even more because there's no pressure at all. Right now it's all about faces. Eyes, Lips, Noses. Maybe you like some of the things you see, maybe you have some advice for me, then please, let me know!

Jenny, xoxo

Thursday, June 5, 2014

I'm not sorry

Dear readers,

I really hope that some of you still have me on their blogroll or RSS so you're going to notice that I'm back. I'm glad you're still here and I am planning on staying for a while but I needed a break. I'm not sorry that I took it, because this is a hobby and I had to figure some things out that are more important to me at the moment. Anyways, I'm glad you stopped by and I hope you'll like what I'm going to share around here. To everyone who waited for me and came back here: Thanks for your patience. To everyone who's new here: Great that you found your way here, I hope you like what you see. Maybe tell me if you do or if you'd like to see other things around here, also don't be afraid to ask questions, I'd love to answer them! If you want to share something yourself around here, present your own blog, project or just something that is important to you, let me know. This blog isn't a huge thing but maybe you're reaching exactly the readers you want to reach.

That's it for today, I'll be back very soon (promise!) to show you some stuff I've been doing lately.

Jenny, xoxo