
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello 2013/About these 26 things

The New Year is only a few hours old and before everyone forgets about it I wanted to share my thoughts about 2012: Of course, at the end of the year everyone tends to think about the things that they didn't do, the goals they didn't reach and all that stuff. I try to focus on the good things and 2012 has been pretty good to me. I started a new job which I like a lot most of the time, met some very nice people through that, reached some of the goals I set for myself, I gained my health back (no more stomach aches and all) and with that my strength. I met a handfull of nice people who haven't anything to do with work but who are just great and those family issues got a bit smoother, too. So, I could even be a bit sad that the year ist over but I am pretty sure, 2013 is going to be even better. I have some ideas and plans, some of them will include pretty big changes and I'm going to let you know as soon as I have figured them out but most of all I'm going to go on like in 2012. If something isn't good for me I have to let go, I have to stop being afraid and try new things. I thought about going to places I have never been before, doing things on my own that I have been afraid of and also simple things like choosing a different dish in restaurants where I have always been eating the same one (or try a new restaurant instead).
I'm not the biggest fan of New Year's Eve and New Year's resolutions, because my biggest (and wisest) decisions have never been made around that time but these ones sound fun and I'm going to write about them, hopefully in a new section of this blog...

one last picture from 2012

I told you about all my other goals on my birthday. This is a list of 26 things I wanted to do until my 27th birhtday. That was half a year ago and I have done a few of them already...
  1. Taking sewing classes online - I actually forgot about this one but now again I think I should do it...
  2. Doing 12 sewing projects in 12 months - only one in 6 months unfortunately but I have a lot of ideas still, so I might reach this goal...
  3. Write one letter or postcard each month - failed :-( I have sent a few Christmas cards but other than that not a lot really. But I might do this soon.
  4. Starting to sell my stuff - not yet but I have a few ideas about that, I'm not sure if it will happen soon.
  5. Going to the cinema more often - I went a couple of times but still not enough ;-)
  6. Doing at least two weekend trips (Hamburg or Berlin or London or Amsterdam or Cork or...) - I did one already! (Innsbruck)
  7. Buying a new music album each month - check!
  8. Going to a music festival (Summer Jam!) - check!
  9. Blogging at least once a week - failed :-( but I'm starting a blogging course soon to help me get my posts and ideas sorted and I even might move the blog to a different platform, I'll let you know about that.
  10. Getting a new haircut - I cut my hair twice but there wasn't a big change, I also dyed it once.
  11. Working out more (at least twice a week) - uhm....
  12. Dressing up - done
  13. Wearing the heels I bought a year ago more often! - done
  14. Joining a choir - I have been looking for one that suits me but haven't found one yet...
  15. Learning to play at least three new songs on the piano - number one is done!
  16. Going shopping! (not online, not in the shopping center, IN TOWN!!!) And buying a complete outfit! (already did this once last week!) - done
  17. (This is additional to No.12 and No.16) Wearing a dress at the wedding in July - done
  18. Making my own jewellery - I have tried a few things but haven't done anything properly yet.
  19. Bringing the ideas out that run around in my head - some of them (see in other posts)
  20. Saving a bit of money each month - done
  21. Visiting my friend in Innsbruck, snowboarding - done and done
  22. Reuniting with my au pair friends (I miss you guys!) - not yet, unfortunately
  23. Finding a new appartment (maybe) - I am on the apartment hunt but I haven't found anything yet. I'm also not sure about moving on my own or into a shared apartment...
  24. Visiting my Irish hostfamily - like number 22.
  25. Reorganizing my blog - see number 9
  26. Worrying less about stuff that isn't worth it... - done, most of the time ;-)
I think I'm doing pretty well so far, I have half a year left to reach the rest of my goals so I'm positive it will work.
Have you any goals at the moment? New years resolutions? Anything? Share!

Jenny, xoxo

PS: I'm having some problems with the iTunes PhotoStream, can anyone help? I might just throw this phone out the window if not...


  1. I love these little lists of goals! I have one for 40 things before I turn 20!

    Amanda Rose

  2. i love these kinds of lists! very inspiring, jenny! :)

  3. Oh I definitely should think about doing a list like this! Such a good idea! Good luck with the rest of them!

  4. Thank you all! I keep doing lists about all kinds of things, helps me to stay on track...
